Today I’ve been reading Marianne Williamson’s book, Illuminata. I randomly opened the book at the chapter Washing Us Clean.
Sometimes we keep our dark parts hidden. And we do this for many reasons such as fear of being judged, feeling inadequate or ashamed. In truth no one is judging you.
Marianne Williamson says God wishes to heal you, not punish you. You only punish yourself by keeping your darkness hidden. Use the prayer at the end of this post to open up to Divine love and healing.
Sometimes we think we’re f***ed up and need hours or years of therapy or that we are damaged goods. But that is denying God’s healing power and ability to rewire our souls at their deepest level. Therapy is important and it helps but you more than your psychology.
Instead of trying to hide your faults and shortcomings, give them over to God. Ask God to heal you and miracles will happen. God’s healing is instant and comes in the form of wisdom if you are willing to hear it.
Remember to have a lot of self compassion when looking at your faults, shortcomings, limitations, mistakes you’ve made, disappointments and frustrations. It’s part of the human condition, and we are all in the same boat.
Be kind and understanding when confronted with your personal failings. You’re not meant to be perfect! So, don’t berate yourself and beat yourself up for being human. Show compassion towards yourself. Surrender to God and allow the healing and insight, wisdom and personal growth.
Here is Marianne’s Prayer for Washing Us Clean.
Dear God/Divine/Universe/Creator,
I want so much to be the person You would have me be.
There are so many places in my life where I still hide from You, where I deny my love.
In this moment I surrender those places to You.
Please heal me, God.
I know that I: (use these or say your own)
May I become Your Self within me.
Illumine my heart.
Increase my understanding.
May my footsteps go where You would have them go, and my actions be what You would have them be.
Dear God, please make me new.
Sometimes we keep our dark parts hidden. And we do this for many reasons such as fear of being judged, feeling inadequate or ashamed. In truth no one is judging you.
Marianne Williamson says God wishes to heal you, not punish you. You only punish yourself by keeping your darkness hidden. Use the prayer at the end of this post to open up to Divine love and healing.
Sometimes we think we’re f***ed up and need hours or years of therapy or that we are damaged goods. But that is denying God’s healing power and ability to rewire our souls at their deepest level. Therapy is important and it helps but you more than your psychology.
Instead of trying to hide your faults and shortcomings, give them over to God. Ask God to heal you and miracles will happen. God’s healing is instant and comes in the form of wisdom if you are willing to hear it.
Remember to have a lot of self compassion when looking at your faults, shortcomings, limitations, mistakes you’ve made, disappointments and frustrations. It’s part of the human condition, and we are all in the same boat.
Be kind and understanding when confronted with your personal failings. You’re not meant to be perfect! So, don’t berate yourself and beat yourself up for being human. Show compassion towards yourself. Surrender to God and allow the healing and insight, wisdom and personal growth.
Here is Marianne’s Prayer for Washing Us Clean.
Dear God/Divine/Universe/Creator,
I want so much to be the person You would have me be.
There are so many places in my life where I still hide from You, where I deny my love.
In this moment I surrender those places to You.
Please heal me, God.
I know that I: (use these or say your own)
- make it hard for other people to get close to me
- withhold my forgiveness
- hold prejudices against certain people
- am mean to some people
- gossip
- lie
- cheat
- play small
- steal or violate
- manipulate
- hold resentments
- take people and situations for granted
- (add your own)
May I become Your Self within me.
Illumine my heart.
Increase my understanding.
May my footsteps go where You would have them go, and my actions be what You would have them be.
Dear God, please make me new.