About Me

I support people to create positive changes in their lives, reduce stress and experience increased emotional wellbeing.
I work with the mind-body-emotion connection using a person-centred approach as well as process orientated psychology. Combining these approaches, as well as using my previous experience and training, provides a holistic way to support you with any issues, conflicts or decisions you are facing.
The body is a wise integrated system that communicates to you through signals (and symptoms). Your body symptoms aim to bring important information into your conscious awareness. On one level they appear symbolic, for example, back pain may mean a lack of support. However, this work can go deeper into unfolding the body symptom to reveal more information, personal messages and wisdom, so that you can then apply it in your current situation.
One of my interest areas is helping people to better deal with their emotions and create healthier boundaries in relationships. This is important because unprocessed emotions can contribute to stress related illness and pain, and may exacerbate chronic conditions.
Thank you for visiting my website. I am happy to answer any queries about working with me. You can contact me here to schedule a time for a free 15 minute consultation.
Love, Anna
Background and Education
I have been a director and teacher in early childhood and primary schools settings. I have loved working with children, having viewed my role as an educator and nurturer of young hearts and minds. I combine my teaching experience, knowledge of psychology, understanding behaviour and human development in my current work.
I have worked with children to help them develop a strong sense of self and to equip them with the skills and strategies, personal resources and knowledge, to cultivate resilience so they can handle life's ups and downs, stay connected to their true selves and thrive in their home and school life.
I help parents learn how to use their children’s emotional experiences as an opportunity for closeness and teaching, as well as to understand and use emotions effectively to self soothe and to use these skills to assist in problem solving and/or limit setting.
I also support teachers and early childhood educators to build professional resilience through reducing stress and practising self-care.
I work holistically with the body, mind, emotion and soul connection.
My Path to Where I am Today.
I came across Holistic Pulsing over twenty years ago, when I was at an album launch in Sydney. I was talking to the songwriter's girlfriend who was a Holistic Pulsing Practitioner and I was intrigued. Soon after, I had a session with her and I loved it!
Holistic Pulsing was developed by Dr Tovi Browning and I am fortunate enough to be one of a handful of people in Australia who trained to diploma level with Dr Browning. This ensures that my training is pure and undiluted. I am also qualified to teach Holistic Pulsing.
In both my private practice and within the community, I have been able to help many people. A particular highlight has been working with the AIDS council in Sydney and training carers to use basic Holistic Pulsing techniques with people living with HIV and AIDS.
It seems a lifetime ago since I worked in the corporate sector, for a blue chip multinational, having left that world in the mid 90s in search for something meaningful to me. Among my search for something more, I travelled to India and spent four years undertaking intensive meditation and developing my spiritual practice. It was upon my return to Australia that I went back to university and became a teacher looking to make a positive impact on the lives of children.
After teaching for several years and starting my family, I later followed my interest in building children’s resilience and developing their social emotional wellbeing, working with children and their families. I have trained as a workshop facilitator and life coach, and also undertaken several professional training courses including DBT and grief therapy. I have attained post graduate qualifications in counselling and psychotherapy and am accredited with PACFA.
Qualifications and Education
Postgraduate Diploma, Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Metavision Institute, NSW
Bachelor of Education, ECE (Early Childhood Education) Macquarie University, Sydney
Further Studies and Professional Development
Certified Facilitator of Tuning In to Kids, Emotionally Intelligent Parenting Program, University of Melbourne
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Practical Skills Training with Dr Marsha Linehan, Sydney
The Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People, University of Edinburgh
Understanding Behaviours and Functional Assessment, FABIC
Certificates in Grief Therapy, Dr Robert Neimeyer
Certified Heal your Life Workshop Facilitator
Certified Teen Workshop Facilitator
Certified Heal your Life Personal Coach
Teaching Diploma in Holistic Pulsing
Certificates in Spiritual Healing, Parapsychology, Reiki and Intuitive Readings
Professional Membership
PACFA Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia
IICT International Institute for Complementary Therapists