I would love you to visit my new page called the Art of Angels at www.facebook.com/TheArtofAngels where I give free angel readings. It is a place for like-minded people to experience how angels are at work in your life and also to develop your connection to angels.
Everyone has angels and there are angels everywhere. Millions of angels. They are here to protect and guide and lead you along the path of your life purpose. Angels are God’s messengers and our connection to God, to our source, to the Divine. Angels work alongside Jesus and the ascended masters of all faiths.
Connecting with Angels and living with Angels in our life is an art. It is an art we can all learn and develop. Angels helps us grow and find our true purpose in life. Of course we have free will, however, given your permission, the angels will happily intervene to help you achieve your goals and bring you peace.
You can ask the angels for anything your heart desires, using positive affirmations or as an appeal such as prayer. Do not worry about how it will come about. Leave that to the Divine. All you have to do is follow the guidance sent to you. Herein lies the art of awareness to notice the guidance and signs you receive.
Everyone can communicate with angels and talk to Jesus and God. The spirit world, the angelic realm and heaven is all around us. It isn’t way out of reach to us, beyond the universe, nor only for a select few. It is here, close by and all we have to do is become peaceful within and tune in. Like a radio dial finding a station, you tune into the frequency of angels.
Find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed. Sit comfortably, or lie down and take a minute to breath deeply and slowly. Gently close your eyes. Allow your body to relax. Take your attention to your feet, legs, buttocks, pelvis and allow the muscles to soften and relax. Take another deep breath and relax your abdomen, lower back, upper back, chest and shoulders. Release all tension held in your muscles. Breath in and allow your throat, neck, face and scalp to relax. Breathe in and as you exhale, just let go. Now let your breathing find its own natural rhythm. Imagine a celestial being in front of you. This angel is here just for you. Imagine what this angels looks like, or if you can’t imagine it, tune in to what it feels like. It may feel nurturing, loving, kind, compassionate, understanding... Ask the angel what is it I need to know right now? What message do you have for me? And just sit silently and listen. Be open to receiving a message in any form, be it visual as an image on the screen of your mind, hearing words, sensing a feeling, or just knowing as if it is downloaded into your mind.
Angels speak with a voice of loving kindness. It doesn’t mean you will always like what they say, for example they may ask you to give up cigarettes, but their messages will be delivered with love and you will feel uplifted after an encounter.
Please share below your experience or any messages you received. Or email me if you would like a reading at [email protected]
Everyone has angels and there are angels everywhere. Millions of angels. They are here to protect and guide and lead you along the path of your life purpose. Angels are God’s messengers and our connection to God, to our source, to the Divine. Angels work alongside Jesus and the ascended masters of all faiths.
Connecting with Angels and living with Angels in our life is an art. It is an art we can all learn and develop. Angels helps us grow and find our true purpose in life. Of course we have free will, however, given your permission, the angels will happily intervene to help you achieve your goals and bring you peace.
You can ask the angels for anything your heart desires, using positive affirmations or as an appeal such as prayer. Do not worry about how it will come about. Leave that to the Divine. All you have to do is follow the guidance sent to you. Herein lies the art of awareness to notice the guidance and signs you receive.
Everyone can communicate with angels and talk to Jesus and God. The spirit world, the angelic realm and heaven is all around us. It isn’t way out of reach to us, beyond the universe, nor only for a select few. It is here, close by and all we have to do is become peaceful within and tune in. Like a radio dial finding a station, you tune into the frequency of angels.
Find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed. Sit comfortably, or lie down and take a minute to breath deeply and slowly. Gently close your eyes. Allow your body to relax. Take your attention to your feet, legs, buttocks, pelvis and allow the muscles to soften and relax. Take another deep breath and relax your abdomen, lower back, upper back, chest and shoulders. Release all tension held in your muscles. Breath in and allow your throat, neck, face and scalp to relax. Breathe in and as you exhale, just let go. Now let your breathing find its own natural rhythm. Imagine a celestial being in front of you. This angel is here just for you. Imagine what this angels looks like, or if you can’t imagine it, tune in to what it feels like. It may feel nurturing, loving, kind, compassionate, understanding... Ask the angel what is it I need to know right now? What message do you have for me? And just sit silently and listen. Be open to receiving a message in any form, be it visual as an image on the screen of your mind, hearing words, sensing a feeling, or just knowing as if it is downloaded into your mind.
Angels speak with a voice of loving kindness. It doesn’t mean you will always like what they say, for example they may ask you to give up cigarettes, but their messages will be delivered with love and you will feel uplifted after an encounter.
Please share below your experience or any messages you received. Or email me if you would like a reading at [email protected]