Are you feeling on edge?
Are you getting upset easily?
FREE Download of 265 Activities to Reduce Emotional Vulnerability and Increase Resilience.
When we are vulnerable to our emotions, it can be difficult to think straight, make good decisions and feel good. We tend to be reactive and get upset more easily. We might get snappy with our children or find ourselves excessively complaining about others, feeling angry, resentful, and so on. This impacts on our mood and sense of wellbeing. It impacts on our relationships. Distressing emotions can also create body symptoms and exacerbate current illness and conditions.
There are many ways to reduce your vulnerability to emotions. Accumulating positive emotions and good feelings is just one way to help reduce vulnerability to emotions in the short term.
This free handout gives you plenty of ideas for activities (265 ideas) aimed to lift your spirits and improve your mood. Often when we feel low it can be hard to think of ways to improve our emotional state. Having this list at hand will help you pick an activity you enjoy and then you can take action that will give you a boost of feel good energy.
Remember to engage in the activity with mindfulness. Allow yourself the time to be fully present and enjoy yourself. Try not to zone out or worry about other things.
Oftentimes, particularly for women, we put the needs of others before our own, which takes time away from meeting our own needs. Consequently, activities we enjoy and need for our emotional and mental wellbeing can fall low on our priorities. This is understandable as we tend to have many commitments and demands and only a limited amount of time each day.
Try adding one positive activity into your daily routine, no matter how simple it may be, such as play music and dance or arrange some flowers in a vase. Chose something that brings your enjoyment, pleasure, calmness, love, confidence or peace.
You could plan something ahead of time, like coffee with a friend. Today, I bought some yarn to knit a simple snood. I haven’t knitted in years and I’m so looking forward to my little project.
Offered with love, Anna
FREE Download 265 ideas and activities
Are you getting upset easily?
FREE Download of 265 Activities to Reduce Emotional Vulnerability and Increase Resilience.
When we are vulnerable to our emotions, it can be difficult to think straight, make good decisions and feel good. We tend to be reactive and get upset more easily. We might get snappy with our children or find ourselves excessively complaining about others, feeling angry, resentful, and so on. This impacts on our mood and sense of wellbeing. It impacts on our relationships. Distressing emotions can also create body symptoms and exacerbate current illness and conditions.
There are many ways to reduce your vulnerability to emotions. Accumulating positive emotions and good feelings is just one way to help reduce vulnerability to emotions in the short term.
This free handout gives you plenty of ideas for activities (265 ideas) aimed to lift your spirits and improve your mood. Often when we feel low it can be hard to think of ways to improve our emotional state. Having this list at hand will help you pick an activity you enjoy and then you can take action that will give you a boost of feel good energy.
Remember to engage in the activity with mindfulness. Allow yourself the time to be fully present and enjoy yourself. Try not to zone out or worry about other things.
Oftentimes, particularly for women, we put the needs of others before our own, which takes time away from meeting our own needs. Consequently, activities we enjoy and need for our emotional and mental wellbeing can fall low on our priorities. This is understandable as we tend to have many commitments and demands and only a limited amount of time each day.
Try adding one positive activity into your daily routine, no matter how simple it may be, such as play music and dance or arrange some flowers in a vase. Chose something that brings your enjoyment, pleasure, calmness, love, confidence or peace.
You could plan something ahead of time, like coffee with a friend. Today, I bought some yarn to knit a simple snood. I haven’t knitted in years and I’m so looking forward to my little project.
Offered with love, Anna
FREE Download 265 ideas and activities